Monday, February 16, 2009


our hearts can't survive without delusions of grandeur
if we cease. to. think. we're bigger than the everything in our way
then we cease to be anything entirely
i know now that what separates
men & angels
is the fact that
they. still. dream.
if it weren't for that they wouldn't have wings
utlimate? no we're not
final reality? not at all
God forgive us.
we seem to have given up any hope of anything that
m i g h t b e h e a v e n
You see, we don't
though we
still look to the skies
instead of wondering who suspends the stars, so at home in the void,
we question as to whether they can still fit into
our business suit pockets
as if all the profit we make will transfer eternal treasure
hoping that heaven has a caste system

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